
The following list includes augural forms of everyday usage (as well as some forms found in literature). These expressions can be used in formal and informal settings. The main difference is in the use of the verb form: the congiuntivo in formal settings and the imperativo in informal situations. Generally speaking when you use the courtesy form you should use pronouns in the third person singular or in the second person plural, while in informal situations you could use pronouns in the second singular person. The equivalent English expressions are only given as an example and are not necessarely used in the same situation.

Wish English Equivalent
Buon Capodanno Happy New Year
Buon compleanno Happy birthday
Buon Ferragosto [August 15]
Buon Natale Merry Christmas
Buon onomastico [Saint's Day]
Buon riposo Sleep well
Buona Befana [January 6]
Buona fine e buon principio A Happy New Year
Buona fortuna Good luck
Buona Pasqua Happy Easter
Buona permanenza Have a good stay
Buonanotte Good night
Buonasera Good evening
Buone feste Happy Holidays
Buone vacanze Enjoy your vacation
Buongiorno Good morning
Cento (Mille) di questi giorni (compleanni) Happy birthday
Felice anno nuovo Happy New Year
Felice notte Good night
Felicità (generico) Bless you
Salute [Dopo uno starnuto] Bless you
Siate felici Be happy
Sogni d'oro Sweet dreams
Tanti auguri Best wishes


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